
Showing posts from August, 2015

Opinions..Thoughts.. Ideas?

Q: How would we as a people, and individual nations for that matter, respond to overwhelming proof on a global scale that we are not alone in the cosmos?

Looking for viewpoints

Q: How do you think we as a species would react to discovering that we were engineered as an experiment? Q: How would we react to having our religious beliefs, of every ilk, proven as nothing more than human creations?

Challenge to fellow Firefly Fans!

There's a Firefly reference in "The Key to Humanity"   ... can you find it?

"The Key to Humanity" is available for download on multiple platforms!

Apparently I dodged the bullet on the exclusivity deal with Amazon.  One has until the first promotional date to un-enroll in the option.  End Result is publication on Smashwords and Amazon! "The Key to Humanity" is now available on Amazon , Barnes and Noble , and Kobo .
"The Key to Humanity" has been posted on Smashwords ,  distributed out to Barnes & Noble ,   Kobo , and it is being reviewed at Amazon at the moment. (The link for Amazon in Kindle format) will be posted as soon as it is available. Chapters 1 through 5 of "Bad Neighbors" is available on Smashwords , Barnes & Noble , and Kobo .  This is a work in progress.  The novel will be available soon.
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