Maybe, Just Maybe...

     I just got home two days ago from an amazing week away from the mundane world. It was a week spent in the woods, away from technology, from computers and smartphones, from "normal" people, and the average goings on of everyday life. It was a week spent with beautiful, loving people who somehow exist beyond the spectrum of everyday life. Yes, each and every one of us who were there must function within the world around us, but we all live for those moments away from the harsh, cruel world that we find ourselves returning to after immersing ourselves in the glorious presence of other like-minded folks who see the Earth as a magical place.
     In the safe space we have created, a realm of our own within the larger world around us, we laugh, we love, and we exist in a blissful state of peace that we wish would extend beyond the borders of our own small realm. We attempt to manifest and extend that peace beyond those borders as we work to help others reach for peace and harmony within themselves, with others, and with their environment, but it is a dauntingly thankless prospect because many do not want peace or harmony. The permanent state of strife within the larger world has become a comfortable place for the existence of many, and they willfully reject progress toward a more harmonious state of being as they wrap themselves in cloaks of patriotism, nationalism, religious fanaticism, racism, and any number of other 'isisms' that promote the division of humanity away from truth of its existences as one species, a single race living upon a tiny blue planet that orbits a small dim star in a remote spiral of the Milky Way Galaxy.
     We are here, and we are now. Maybe, just maybe, we can stem the tide of hate swelling within the human species and learn to love one another a little more. Maybe, just maybe, if we can learn to love one another a little more, then we might find that we aren't so different from the other humans on our tiny blue planet. Maybe we can learn to look for similarities, rather than differences. Maybe we might find there's more to humanity than just finding new and interesting ways to kill other humans. Maybe, just maybe, we might discover what it is to be human... 
